Smiling parents with their toddler daughter
Visitor Information
Visit Your Loved Ones
Visitors are an important part of the healing process, and we encourage family and friends to visit. Daily visiting hours are 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Visiting is discouraged after 9 P.M., unless a parent/significant other (SO) desires to stay with a patient. Special visiting regulations will be at the discretion of the nurse and in compliance with hospital policy.
Friends and family members may call 307-548-5200 to obtain your room location and calls will be transferred. Your privacy is important to us; let your nurse know if you do not want this information given out.
Visitors should respect patients' privacy by stepping out of the room when care is being given.
Visitors should not visit any patient if they have a cold, respiratory symptoms or other contagious illness.
Some patients may be under precautions to help prevent the spread of infection. If this is the case for your loved one, you may be asked to wear a gown and mask to protect yourself and others from getting sick.
Contact Us With Your Questions
If you have questions concerning visiting hours or to find the best times to visit your friends and family members feel free to
Contact Us.