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North Big Horn Hospital District News
North Big Horn Hospital is a 2025 Top 100 Critical Access Hospital again!
Our Quality, Outcomes, and Patient Experience metrics are all in the top decile nationwide! This recognition shows the dedication to our mission of excellence, hope, and compassion to every life that we touch.
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Colorectal cancer screening saves lives. Regular screening, beginning at age 45, is the key to preventing colorectal cancer. Get screened regularly if you’re 45 to 80 years old. If you have changes in your bowels, bloody stools, or have a family member who has had colon cancer talk to your doctor about screening. Dr. Michael Hill performs colonoscopies at North Big Horn Hospital in Lovell. Call 548-5201 to schedule a consultation appointment with him.
Dementia Education and Support Group
Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month in the Multi-Purpose Room of New Horizons Care Center from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to learn and share. Contact Katie Weinand, RN, Clinical Educator at 307-5448-5682 for more information.
Top 20 National Rural Health Association Quality Award
North Big Horn Hospital District has been recognized as a Top 20 hospital for Quality, among the highest performing of all the critical access hospitals in the country! Of all the different things for which we could be known, Quality care is perhaps the most important. We are proud to be delivering the best care possible for our patients and residents!
National Doctors' Day - March 30th
We recognize and honor all our wonderful medical providers. Thank you for all you do!
Mobile MRI Services
North Big Horn Hospital now offers mobile MRI services. The Mobile MRI will be in Lovell every Thursday. Contact your healthcare provider, or our radiology department at 307-548-5245 to see about scheduling your services in LOVELL.
CPR Classes
Contact Nick Lewis at 307 548-5284 for information or to sign up for a class.
An Evening with Friends
The annual spring fund-raising sponsored by the North Big Horn Hospital Foundation will be April 26th at the Lovell Community Center. Mentalist Jym Elders will be the featured entertainer following the social hours, silent auction and prime rib and chicken dinner. Contact the Foundation Office for tickets at 307-548-5240.
Centralized Registration
During the construction of our new Emergency Department all Outpatient Services, including Laboratory, Radiology, and Therapies should register at North Big Horn Hospital Clinic. The parking lot can be accessed from Nevada Avenue.
New Horizons Care Center is welcoming new residents. Please contact Jana Bloch at 307 548-5243 to injury or arrange a visit.
Vitalant Blood Drive
The 2025 blood drive dates in Lovell are: February 12th, April 16th, June 11th, August 6th, October 8th, and December 3rd. All Blood Drive will be at the Lovell Fire Hall Auxillary Hall 1:00 - 6:15. For more information call 877-258-4825 or go online at donors.Vitalant.org.
Hometown Healthy Living
Weekly wellness lab testing: Tuesday 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. Register in the clinic. For details:
Click Here.
Wyoming Health Fairs
North Big Horn Hospital and Wyoming Health Fairs offer twice monthly blood draws in Lovell. The draws are from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 at the Big Horn Federal Community Room on the following Thursdays: January 16 & 30, February 13 & 27, March 13 & 27, April 10 & 24, May 15 & 29, June 12 & 26, July 10 & 24, August 14 & 28, September 11 & 25, October 16 & 30, November 13, and December 11. Please go to the Wyoming Health Fair Web site for pricing and other details. You can schedule an appointment at: whf.as.me/lovell
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Now offered at North Big Horn Hospital Clinic in Lovell. Ken Ferbrache, PA-C, and Ali Wagner, FNP-C are certified providers of this amazing service. Call the clinic to discuss what it can do for you. 307 548-5201.
Health Insurance Counseling
Do you have questions about Health Insurance? North Big Horn Hospital has a Certified Application Counselor, Lydia Wood
She is available to:
Assist with insurance enrollment
Explain Medicare Advantage Plans
Explain Explanation of Benefits (EOB) required payments from patients
Explain the difference between Medicare Advantage and Medi-Share plans.
Present other cost-saving programs offered by the State of Wyoming (Health Insurance Marketplace)
You are invited to call Lydia at 307-548-5614 to schedule a visit
Infusion Services
Chemotherapy, biotherapy and other services are offered from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday in Lovell. Contact an Infusion Services nurse at 307 548-5685 for more information. Chemotherapy provided by those who know you.
Sleep Studies
Our sleep lab in Lovell can often perform a sleep study within a few weeks of your referral. Contact your healthcare provider to discuss if a sleep study could benefit you. Or contact our sleep lab at 307 548-5238.
North Big Horn Hospital Clinic
Is open Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., please call 307 548-5201 for appointments.
Diabetes Support Group
Meets the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at the Lovell Senior Center. The 2024 dates are: January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 9, October 14, November 11, and December 9. Contact Rita Unruh, RN at North Big Horn Hospital Clinic, 307-548-5625,for more information.
North Big Horn Hospital District Is On-Line
North Big Horn Hospital District has recently developed a website and is providing many sources for health information and programming. As you can see this is something that will be very useful to our patients, their families and those who may want to know what kinds of services or facilities we have. There are also many other features we hope you will explore. You can look up medications in the drug search, find interesting health information or ask the FastNurse Research Correspondent a question and get a reply to your own personal question. This is a valuable resource and we hope that you will take full advantage of it.
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