You can Thrive with Diabetes.
Contact your local Diabates Education Specialist at 307-548-5200,
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support
Diabetes is complicated. Whether you have just been diagnosed or had diabetes for years, it is important to learn how to manage diabetes in a way that works for you and your lifestyle.
What is DSMES?
Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) is a program for people living with diabetes to gain the education and tools to better control their diabetes and related health conditions.
North Big Horn Hospital District Diabetes Education takes a comprehensive approach to diabetes self-management. DSMES services are taught by our team of diabetes care and education specialists.
We teach participants these core concepts through individualized, one-on-one appointments: being active, healthy coping, healthy eating, monitoring blood sugar levels, problem-solving, reducing short- and long-term complications of diabetes, and medication management.
Other services of our diabetes education program include continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) management as well a referral to our registered dietitian nutritionist for medical nutrition therapy (MNT) consultations and meal planning assistance.
How Will DSMES Help Me?
Participating in diabetes education services helps people with diabetes learn the skills and resources needed to navigate the challenges of living with diabetes.
Diabetes education helps people living with diabetes:
Improve blood sugar and quality of lifeSave money on health care costs and avoid emergency careFit diabetes care into your everyday lifeManage emotional challenges associated with diabetesPrevent or delay future complications associated with diabetes (e.g. heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, vision loss, chronic wounds)Learn the tools to self-manage diabetes with confidence (e.g. healthy eating, safe physical activity, taking medications, and more)Our educators understand that no two individuals living with diabetes are the same and will tailor the education and support to meet your specific needs. Our team is ready to work with you and other members of your healthcare team to help you live a healthy life with diabetes. You are not in this alone!
Free Diabetes Support Group
Our diabetes care and education specialists also host a free, monthly diabetes support group for the community to provide ongoing support and education for individuals with diabetes. Anyone who has been diagnosed with diabetes of any type (including prediabetes) or is family or a friend of a person with diabetes is welcome to attend our free diabetes support group.
Current diabetes support group location, date, and time:
The second Tuesday of every month at 1 PM at the North Big Horn Senior Center in Lovell.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can refer me to a diabetes education (DSMES) program?
The medical provider who is managing your diabetes care can refer you to the diabetes education program at North Big Horn Hospital District.
When should I request a referral to a diabetes education program?
1. At diagnosis or if you have never taken part in a diabetes education program
2. Every year
3. When it is harder to manage diabetes, such as:
Changes in access to food or moneyWhen there are emotional factors impacting your overall health and your ability to care for your diabetes (e.g. stress, anxiety, or depression)When new health issues ariseWhen having trouble taking medications as prescribed by your provider or when starting new medications (e.g. insulin, steroids)When blood sugar levels are difficult to manage or are out of your target rangeWhen using a new monitoring device such as a continuous glucose monitor (CGM)4. During changes in life, such as:
Changes in your living situation (e.g. divorce or death of a family member)Getting new insurance coverageIs diabetes education covered by insurance?
Yes, diabetes education is covered by most insurance plans. Medicare Part B covers diabetes self-management education and medical nutrition therapy – a certain number of hours are available for each service for people with diagnosed diabetes at diagnosis and on an annual basis.
If you are on a commercial insurance plan, please verify your coverage for G0108 – DSMT, individual as well as 97802 – MNT, Initial and 97803 – MNT, follow up (if also being referred for medical nutrition therapy) before your first visit. We will bill insurance on file for your visit; however, any charges not covered by the insurance company are your responsibility.
Do you offer virtual (telemedicine) appointments?
Yes, virtual diabetes education sessions are available via a secure, HIPPA-compliant telemedicine software from the comfort of your home.
Contact Diabetes Education
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Diabetes Educator - (307) 548-5625
Additional Diabetes Resources
Diabetes Risk Test
American Diabetes Association
Recipes: Diabetes Food Hub
Mental Health and Diabetes
Diabetes Consumer Guide
Insulin Affordability and Health Insurance Aid
Diabetes: American Heart Association
Diabetes: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Prediabetes: Center for Disease Control and Prevention